ponedeljek, 20. julij 2009

Praznina(The void)


Praznina...v meni.
V meni ni duše.
Ne občutka.

Božja skušnja.
Za pot v nebesa.
Da bi videl čudesa,
zatisnil ne bi očesa.

Tako pa je vse...prazno.
Brez smisla.
Brez pomena.
Brez refrena.

In kje si TI?
Pri belem dnevu iščeš Človeka.
Prepozen si...
Luna je že osvojena.

Sezi po zvezdah...
Oblakih prahu in dima.
Razgrni meglico.
Nebulo zvezde.

The void

The void...inside me.
There is no soul.
Nor a feeling,
of love,fear and pain.

God's little test.
For the trip to heaven.
Seeing the miracles,
eyes can't conceive.

But it is all...vein.
No sense.
No meaning.
No refren.

And where are YOU?
At brightest day you look for a Human.
You are too late...
The moon has been conquered.

Reach for the stars.
Clouds of dust and smoke.
Clear the mist,
of the star's nebula.

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