torek, 21. julij 2009


M.F. beri kot umetniški vzdevek Marjan Ficko.lp

Prgišče peska(A sand grain)

Prgišče peska

Prgišče peska...v puščavi.
V poplavi rumenih zrn.
Večni veter jih valuje.
Tiha senca hodi po puščavi.
Bliža se vihar.

Nič se ne vidi.
Pesek sili v oči.
Oči zasolzijo,
stresajo kile peska iz sebe.
Za boljši vid.

Konec z viharjem.
Nič več ni sence.
Senca puščave leži na tleh.
Jastrebi se zbirajo pod nebom.
Kljuvajo truplo pri živem telesu.

A sand grain

Sand the desert.
In the flood of yellow grains.
The eternal wind waves them around.
Quiet shadow is wondering in the desert.
The storm is approaching.

Nothing can be seen.
The sand is filling my eyes.
Eyes become teared,
shaking the sand in pounds.
For better vision.

End of the storm.
The shadow has dissapeared.
The shadow of desert is down.
Vaulchers are circling the sky,
pecking the flesh of a living carcass.



Kje je mlaj?
Kje je polna luna?
Luna,polna krvi?

Ne slišiš?
Kako ti strežejo po življenju.

Ljubiš boga?
Zakaj prijemaš puško?
Se nič ne bojiš?
Demonske jeze.

Ne,ti ne.
Ti ta si sam.
Demon,ki jezdi.
Jezdi apokalipso.

Prišel si.
Vse si poklal.
Z ognjem in mečem.
V punčici očesa.


Where is the eclipse?
Where is the full moon?
Moon,the bloody moon.

Don't you hear?
What,you say?
How they are taking your life.

Do you love god?
Why are you gripping the rifle?
Aren't you afraid?
Of the demonic anger.

No,not you.
You are yourself.
The riding demon.
The riding demon of the apocalypse.

You came.
You slaughtered them all.
With fire and brimstone.
In a blink of an eye.

ponedeljek, 20. julij 2009

Praznina(The void)


Praznina...v meni.
V meni ni duše.
Ne občutka.

Božja skušnja.
Za pot v nebesa.
Da bi videl čudesa,
zatisnil ne bi očesa.

Tako pa je vse...prazno.
Brez smisla.
Brez pomena.
Brez refrena.

In kje si TI?
Pri belem dnevu iščeš Človeka.
Prepozen si...
Luna je že osvojena.

Sezi po zvezdah...
Oblakih prahu in dima.
Razgrni meglico.
Nebulo zvezde.

The void

The void...inside me.
There is no soul.
Nor a feeling,
of love,fear and pain.

God's little test.
For the trip to heaven.
Seeing the miracles,
eyes can't conceive.

But it is all...vein.
No sense.
No meaning.
No refren.

And where are YOU?
At brightest day you look for a Human.
You are too late...
The moon has been conquered.

Reach for the stars.
Clouds of dust and smoke.
Clear the mist,
of the star's nebula.

Oda očetu(Ode to father)


Oda očetu

To je oda,
oda očetu,
lepemu cvetu,
znanemu svetu.

Ta je bil dober,
dober kot kruh,
ni bil od muh,
večen posluh.

On je bil pravi,
po vsaki postavi,
zmeraj pošten,
v ljubezni rojen,
ne zamorjen.

Bil je danica,
svoboden kot ptica,
pordel v lica,
zvit kot lisica.

Lep je bil svet,
svoboden polet,
lepo odet.

Usode je sila,
svet zagrnila,
lepoto vpila,
up utopila.

Svet je njegov,
tako star kot nov,
to večen je lov,
za obstanek negotov.

Zdaj ga že ni,
več kot leto dni,
naj večno živi,
lepoto krasi!


Ode to father

This is an ode,
ode to thy father,
a friendly brother,
a friend to all other.

One of the good one's,
good as bread,
sound in his head,
vigilant 'till his bed.

He was genuine,
by any right,
always fair,
full of love and might.
Always polite.

The north star is his,
free to fly,
sometimes red-eyed,
foxly bright.

Nice was his world,
freedom delight,
nicelly attied.

Fate intervened,
the world had grinned,
beauty doused,
hope dissapeared,
death rose it's ugly head.

The world is his,
young and old,
forever persuited,
existance was bold.

He is long gone,
over a year,
forever he lives,
and he'll never dissapear.